We Are Changing The World

Become a part of our movement

Tell the World…join us as a ‘Founding Member’ by adding your name to the Maya Global ‘Tree of Life’ on our website and like us on Facebook. Better yet, join us as one of twelve travelers on December 13-22, on a Once-In-A-Millennium trip to the Maya world. You will learn first-hand about the Maya Global 2012 agri-business projects and meet with Maya leaders and elders while traveling the ancient Maya trails in Honduras and Guatemala. You will spend the last four days exploring Copan Ruinas, Honduras – ‘the Paris of the ancient Maya civilization’. You will celebrate the ‘dawning of a new era’ on December 21, with renowned Maya Luminaries, to observe a cosmic alignment of our solar system with the plane of our Galaxy, the Milky Way, representing the end of a 25,920 year cycle that is based on the Precession of the Equinoxes.


Maya Ch’orti “Nuevo Dia” organization and the ‘New Useful Forest’

5,140 Years of Mayan Culture

OXWITIK CH’ORTI – New Useful Forest was identified five years ago as our first project, and has more than ten years in development and research. It’s Founders’, David and Julia Sedat, have revitalized ravaged hillsides by planting useful trees (such as the fruit bearing Noni tree) whose roots hold the soil and retain water from running off. The enriched soil can then be used to grow a wide variety of other trees and crops. It has been shown that even the worse degraded hillsides of Western Honduras and elsewhere in the region can be rescued from slash and burn and soil degradation, and transformed into useful and productive agro-forestry lands. Today, there are over 80 species of plants and trees being grown and being used to perfect recipes for hot sauces, flavored drinks, infused teas, health products, and much more.

Reducing Poverty and Improving Environments

The New Useful Forest (NUF) is achievable, sustainable, and will eliminate poverty because it incorporates intrinsically “Mayan” cultural strategies of land use and subsistence. The acceptance of the NUF ideals by the Maya Chorti “New Day” movement indicates that new ideas and plant species are accepted if they are presented in a culturally coherent fashion. The NUF is suited for the steepest and least desirable land for maize farming. It does not seek to displace the spiritually entrenched maize cultivation, but rather enhance its multiple-use by making the land more fertile and productive for subsistence and cash crops. This is where so many “outside” projects have failed—they do not take into consideration the “soul” of the Maya people.

Witness the Dawn of a New Era

A once-in-a-millennia opportunity

Witness the end of the 5,140 year old Mayan Calendar at the end of our 10 day trip in Copan Ruinas, Honduras. But first you will learn first-hand about the Maya Global 2012 indigenous projects of promise in Honduras and Guatemala while traveling the ancient Maya trails. All of these projects are ongoing and Maya Global 2012 founder Jeff Remmel has inspected their operations. Talks are underway whereby Maya Global could fund the expansion of land under cultivation and upgraded processing facilities. The latter is the key to success. You don’t want a burlap bag of green beans delivered to your door; you want a pound of hut roasted, ready to brew coffee. Likewise, the Maya want to sell $8 a pound roasted beans instead of $1.50 a pound of green beans. That means the difference between subsistence living and sustainable economic progress. And it means many more jobs for Mayans.

Become a part of the future of Mayan civilization

5,140 Years of Mayan Culture

No definitive answer has been found for what happened to the Mayans; it appears that it is a combination of factors: environmental problems, rapidly increasing population, climatic challenges, logistical problems, dietary problems, authoritarian structures, ritualistic superstitions out of control, and corruption of the system etc…all combined to end this great civilization. Sounds all too familiar, eh?

Why become a Founding Member…and put your name on the Maya Global ‘Tree of Life’? To be a part of the beginning of the ‘dawning of a new era’ on December 21, 2012, that will create a Maya Global community of socially conscious members, of all generations, building a new sustainable socio-economic model to end rural poverty and environmental degradation around the world. Our objective is to show our strength of one million founding members by end of 2012…so please join us and tell the rest of the world a new movement is being unleashed.

Reducing Poverty and Improving Environments

The Maya are largely excluded from national society; they produce and reproduce cultures that are uniquely their own. Their subsistence economy and corresponding family life, morality, rhythm of life, supernatural beliefs, humor, sexuality, music, and dances distinguish them from town-dwelling Ladino populations. Standards of poverty are relative, especially between indigenous and modern societies, but rural Mayan campesinos are poor even according to their own low standards. For generations, it’s been reported falsely that their diet was diverse and the land was productive. Today, too many people are trying to grow food on plots that are too small, steep, and eroded. Most suffer from malnutrition and are ridden with intestinal and respiratory infections. Though most Mayans recognize that these maladies are due partly to their subordination to local, national, and international powers, they tend to interpret them as an internal problem as well. Subsequently, Maya Global 2012 sustainable objective is to literally implement…Lao Tzu philosophy, “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day, teach him how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.”

Trip of a Millennium

Witness the end of the 5,140 year old Mayan Calendar.

You will learn first-hand about the Maya Global 2012 indigenous projects in Honduras and Guatemala while traveling the ancient Maya trails. You will meet the project leaders and visit with elders throughout the region. The trip will conclude with four days/four evenings in Copan Ruinas, Honduras. You will have a private tour of the Maya excavation on December 21 and then celebrate the calendar ending on Winter Solstice at sun set with a Maya Sacred Fire Ceremony followed by a feast. This is a remarkable chance, with renowned Maya Luminaries, to observe a cosmic alignment of our solar system with the plane of our Galaxy, the Milky Way, representing the end of a 25,920 -year cycle that is based on the Precession of the Equinoxes.


Joshua - 'Tree of Life and the dawning of a new era'

5,140 Years of Mayan Culture:

We invite you to join, as a founding member, the Maya Global 2012 ‘Tree of Life’. This magnificent Ceiba tree of the Mayans, one of the largest in the Central American Rainforest, is a very straight light gray barked tree with a unique flat top crown. Its huge buttressed roots provide shelter for bats, and the transition from the underworld to the “middle ground” and then to the heavens. The “middle ground” is populated by huge anteaters that claw into the large termite nests in the branches. The crown is very special indeed. The branches radiate out almost horizontally, forming a perfect roost site above the canopy for the magnificent Harpy Eagle, the largest eagle. It soars aloft from this roost across the canopy in search of small game, which can also include some large catches such as anteaters and monkeys. It is the Mayan symbol for God of the Heavens, as the bat is their symbol for God of the Underworld.

Reducing Poverty and Improving Environments:

David Sedat, chief archeologist for the University of Pennsylvania’s dig at the spectacular ruin in Copan, Honduras and the creator of the ‘New Useful Forest’ says, “2012 should represent a date to dream on, to dream of the best that we can do to maximize the law of attractions that resides inside of all of us, to ensure that Creation continues to unfold in a just, harmonious and dignified way, with all of Creation’s creatures bound together on that greatest of epic journeys, the quest through the ever-unfolding Cosmos towards home and where we began! Let’s start that harmonic resonance within each of us, before we worry how things will go in the larger sphere…”

Big Announcement Tomorrow!

We are very excited to present the world with a very important announcement! Stay tuned..