A Founder’s Story: Chapter 10

The Justification For New Leaf’s Existence

Rural indigenous projects like Maya Global 2012 are the center of New Leaf’s existence. There are numerous places throughout the world where generations of poor agricultural and Silva cultural practices have resulted in depleted soils that are unable to produce a crop, denuded hillsides in a constant state of erosion and overgrazed ranges that can no longer support livestock. Oftentimes, the ownership interests that reaped the benefits of production moved on after the devastation and left behind an indigenous population that was relegated to extreme poverty while trying to subsist off the spent earth. Many of these people are compelled to leave their homelands and migrate to cities where they live in even more deplorable conditions. This cycle can be reversed. Often times however, there is no one willing to make the required effort to turn things around and embark on an effort to change conditions. The indigenous peoples usually have no political clout and potential returns from investment are overlooked for safer returns elsewhere.

Jeff Remmel and Chorti Director Omar on a deforested mountainside east Guatemala

Jeff Remmel and Chorti Director Omar on a deforested mountainside east Guatemala

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New Leaf World Markets will enter this void and provide the means needed to change the status quo. New Leaf sees an opportunity that has come about in recent years. New Leaf believes that the key to success in reversing these downward cycles is connectivity. A major aspect of the problem has been isolation. Not enough people are aware of conditions in devastated places of the world. People living in those regions are totally disconnected from those that might provide solutions. Efforts to provide solutions are often plagued by traditional obstacles such as lack of capital and access to markets. The internet has brought profound changes to modern society. Access to information is virtually instantaneous. Electronic communication unites people all across the globe. Yet, these neglected pockets of ruin are largely untouched by the online revolution. New Leaf wants to connect these pockets to the vast resources that already exist online. The dominant emergence of web-based social networks presents a unique opportunity to connect those that want to help with those that need help.

In Chapter 11, we will present more about how our indigenous projects and their products will be able to meet the criteria to be a part of New Leaf World Markets.